Located at:
101 E. Main St.
Deshler, OH 43516
PH: 419-278-2955
FAX: 419-278-1295
Emergency: 419-966-7686
Bradley Kitchen
Steven Diem
Thomas Smith
Jim Suber
Village employees will pick up sticks and brush on the first Wednesday of every month.
All brush and trimmings should be free from dirt, stones, stumps, grass, etc.
Place along street in neat stacks no higher than 4 ft. with the butt or large end facing the street. Nothing larger than 4" in diameter will be picked up.
Village Council has set aside funds to assist residents with sidewalk replacement. The Village will reimburse residents 25% of the total cost of the project after 100% is paid by the homeowner. The homeowner must notify the village of the proposed improvements and follow the requirements in order to receive the funding. See sidewalk forms below.
Click on a file to download.
Sidewalk Assistance (pdf)