The Village of Deshler has a 1% income tax with mandatory filing.
Office Located at Village Hall:
101 E. Main St.
Deshler, OH 43516
(419) 278-2955 PH
(419) 278-1295 FAX
The due date for village income taxes is April 15
See downloads below.
Yes, the Village of Deshler has mandatory filing for residents.
No, the Village of Deshler currently does not offer credit for local taxes paid elsewhere.
You will only owe tax on what was earned while you lived here. Please contact the tax office for assistance at 419-278-2955.
Typically Box 5 or 18 is used (whichever is higher). Income taxable by the village may differ from the income taxed by the Internal Revenue Service.
No, retirement income is not taxable for village taxes. Any other type of income after retiring (part time job, business owner, including rentals & farming), however, would be taxed. Please notify the tax office if you are newly retired so your record can be updated.
Cash, checks, debit or credit cards and money orders are all accepted.
Click on a file to download.
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